why i choose to facilitate Hypnobirthing Australia™’s Positive birth program.
* Please note that due to personal reasons I no longer facilitate hypnobirthing classes - I still think this post is informative though and would recommend hyponbirthing to anyone!
Why I choose to facilitate Hypnobirthing Australia’s Positive Birth Program..
I believe birth opens us up to our full potential, our superpowers as women. It has the potential to connect women to their absolute inner strength and self-belief. All women should have the opportunity to create a beautiful, empowering birth, a birth where they feel safe, supported and honoured like the goddess they are.
This empowerment and strength flows on into motherhood and gives women and their partners tools for life leading to happier, healthier families and communities.
When I teach my prenatal yoga classes and the topic of birth comes up, the main response is one of trepidation, fear and anxiety. About one quarter of participants are looking forward to their birth but mostly the facial expressions and comments are of fear, unease and apprehension.
I have two little boys and another on the way in June this year and my births were the most powerful, incredible experiences of my life. The power, wonderment and awe, the exquisite, raw and primal energy that was deep in my body is something I will never forget. It was so intense, but exquisitely so. I also believe it paved the way for my early motherhood journey, my instincts kicked in and I believed in myself like never before.
I educated myself with pre & postnatal teacher training as well as reading up on hypnobirthing and calm birth practises and I believe this education played a big part in my positive birth stories.
I feel I could really help guide women to see the wonder of birth, to educate them in their rights as a pregnant and birthing person and enable them to create their own unique and beautiful birth and to look forward to it.
Our frame of mind is essential when it comes to pregnancy and birth; to find that state of calm when everything around you is in a state of chaos is a truly valuable skill for life.
Birth is often an experience women never forget, which is why it can be such an empowering event that positively influences the rest of their life – however it can also work in the opposite way and cause trauma to both mother, baby and partner. I believe education is key and Hypnobirthing Australia courses provide this and more – practical, informative life skills to use throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond.
What would the world look like if every woman had the advantage, the insight and the opportunity to learn tools that Hypnobirthing Australia offers?
More happy, confident mums, more peaceful parenting and so it flows onto children who themselves grow up feeling empowered, nurtured and honoured. What a wonderful world that would be.